剑桥少儿英语考试一级(starter) 官方真题
剑桥少儿英语考试二级(mover) 官方真题
剑桥少儿英语考试三级(flyer) 官方真题
剑桥少儿英语考试备考需要什么?三个级别单词画册Wordlist Picture Book (资源分享)
A2 Flyers是剑桥少儿英语证书三个级别中的第三级,可让孩子们接触一些日常书面和口头英语,收获更多的自信和英语技能。
A2 Flyers口语考试包含四个部分,下面我们将通过现场视频为各位考生及家长们展示口语考试的全过程,请注意每个部分考查的内容与考生需要展示的语言能力(今天的主角是Michaela小朋友):
Part 1
In this part, the examiner tells the children something about his/her picture. The children then tell the examiner how their picture is different. There are 6 differences.
Michaela does this part very well, she understands all the information she is given and tells the examiner how her picture is different in each case. She makes a mistake and corrects herself, this is good. ‘In my picture the man’s got a brush in her pocket, in his pocket.’
Part 2
In this part children ask for and give information about two similar situations.
Michaela answers all of the examiner’s questions showing that she understands the questions and that she has the language necessary to answer them. She asks her own questions very well, showing that she knows how to make questions. For example, ‘What does she teach? Is she young or old? Has she got a car?’. She does this part very well.
Part 3
In this part, children talk about four pictures which tell a story. It’s important to say something about all four pictures. The examiner tells the child the name of the story and gives him/her some time to look at the pictures.
Michaela takes time to look at the pictures, this is good. You should look at all the pictures before starting to talk about them. She talks about the pictures very well although she needs help saying where the old woman was sitting, the examiner helps her. This is not a problem. Michaela then continues talking about the pictures, ‘And then they came home and sh…, the woman prepare them a lunch.’
Part 4
In this part, children answer 5 questions about themselves. For example, these can be about family, friends, home, school, what they like doing, etc.
Michaela answers all the questions confidently and very well. She says, ‘I like going to the parks and to museums.’She does very well.
Tips — 考官大人提醒:
②如果你不明白考官提出的问题,不用担心。只需要说:“Sorry, I don’t understand(对不起,我不明白)”,考官会再问一次问题或者告诉你答案。
③在第二部分中,用这些单词来练习如何提问:what, where, who, when, how old, how many等等。同样的,用yes或no来练习如何回答问题(例如,‘Is her brother naughty?’“她的兄弟淘气吗?”),用or来练习提问(例如,‘Is he tall or short?’“他是高还是矮?”)
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