用英语学英语口语:Cash is king 现金为王,落袋为安
1) URead 体验英语
What is cash is king?
It is best to keep one's investment money in cash. This is said when the prices in the securities market are too high. It is better to build up cash and wait for a break in the market.
2) UTalk 自己跟自己说英语:
OK,when we say cash is king,what we really mean is that sometimes it is much much better to keep your investment money ,your investment money ,in cash than to buy anything, like stock shares, like a house.
The 'sometimes' means when the prices in the securities market are too high, and do not buy anything at all.
“目标1”:Cash is king 本身,我们还要记住:
It is best to keep one’s investment money in cash. This is said when the prices in the securities market are too high. It is better to build up cash and wait for a break in the market.这一大段英语英语口语学习王,即使不能记住全部,一些语言表达的“重要节点”:to keep your investment money in cash以及when the prices in the securities market are too high还是要悉数“化为己有”。你最终的英语语言能力靠的就是这些“语素”的大量积累了。
可是,你偏偏不,你偏偏只用中文学英语记英语,结果Cash is king里“丰富的营养”活生生被你用中文“过滤”得Cash is king只剩下一句中文:现金为王。
中文有一句老话:差之厘号谬之千里英语口语学习王,说的就是国人学习英语时两种方法上产生的这点误差用英语学英语口语:Cash is king 现金为王,落袋为安,给多少想把英语学好的学生造成的英语能力之间的天壤之别。
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