When we speak English , we try to be very soft and a little bit shy .当我们说英文的时候,我们尽量放松但依然会有点害羞。Sometimes we carry what they call the Chinese accent .我们在讲英语的时候,有时候会带一些「中国腔」。
You have to memorize words , but at the same time , you should paraphrase the contents of all the articles you are reading . 你需要去记住一些单词的同时think一对一外教,还需要把所看到的文章用英语诠释出来。如果无法诠释,那就是所谓的「哑巴英语」。
有些人说:When you’re learning English , forget about Chinese . Get rid of Chinese and then you’ll think in English . That’s ridiculous . 学英文的时候,一定要把中文忘掉,用英语来思考。这种人肯定不会同声传译,也没有做过交替翻译。中英文学习的基础,一定是我们的母语。
刚才台上主讲人谈到了 MINI 。MINI 是一种车,他里面提到了很多 case studies ,这些东西都和英文相关。假如我们要学习这些新知think一对一外教, We should have a very good command of English. (我们的英文必须要非常棒)。But the problem is that we Chinese are very shy .(问题是我们中国人都比较害羞)。When we speak English , (当我们说英文的时候), we try to be very soft and a little bit shy .(我们尽量放松但也会有点害羞)。
And sometimes we carry what they call the accent , Chinese accent .(我们在讲英语的时候,有时候会带一些「中国腔」)。比如从山东过来的这样讲话:Ladies and gentlemen , thank you very much . How are you ? Goodbye .(女士们先生们,非常感谢。最近过得如何?再见)。如果是从四川过来的:Ladies and gentlemen , thank you very much . We people in Sichuan like to eat spicy food . Thank you, thank you .(女士们先生们,非常感谢你们。我们四川人很喜欢吃辣的食物,谢谢)。如果是从广东来的:Ladies and gentlemen , I’m from Guangdong .(女士们先生们,我来自广东)。所以我们也没办法改变(发音)。
十八岁以前的我,讲话和讲英文都和闽南人一样。This is a book , that is a pencil . Thank you very much .(这是一本书,那是一只铅笔。非常感谢)。我那时候一直都是这样讲的。但我后来是如何学到(准确的发音)?那就是秘诀。
在「阅」「读」方面我是拆开的。看到文章眼睛一「阅」的时候,我就开始「读」。然后我用到一个今天讲完之后,大家都会做的方法——「 paraphrasing 」。这个「 paraphrasing 」的中文怎么说?「 paraphrasing 」就叫做「诠释法」,另外一个词叫「 interpretation 」,也就是用英文诠释你所阅读的这篇文章。We’re learning English by rote .(我们通过死记硬背的方法学英文),这种方法实在不可行。
We are now in what we call the modern day ,(我们生活在所谓的「现代社会」), but in this case , learning English is still something that we have to do in a traditional way .(但是学习英语还是以一种传统的方式来进行)。You have to memorize words , but at the same time , you should paraphrase the contents of all the articles you are reading . (你需要去记住一些单词的同时,还需要把所看到的文章用英语诠释出来)。如果无法诠释,那就是所谓的「哑巴英语」。
很多人都会说:我没有住在美国、没有住在英国,所以我的英文讲不好。It’s not the case at all . Even right here in Beijing or any place in China , find a place where there is no>
Being thoughtful simply means thinking of others before yourself . (在想到自己之前先想到别人)。What you say or do will have an effect>
If you don’t have anything nice to say ,(你要是没有什么好话要讲的话), don’t say anything .(那就不要说话)。Likewise , if you think what you do will hurt others , don’t do it . (同样,如果你认为你所做的事情可能会伤害到别人的话,就不要做这样的事儿了)。After all what goes around comes around . (毕竟你的所作所为可能回过头来,会伤害到你自己)。这就是所谓的「恶有恶报,善有善报」。
Being thoughtful simply means thinking of others before yourself .有没有点像天皇在下诏令的感觉?一直这样死记硬背,英文是学不好的。所以我在中央人民广播电台的时候,还有以前一直教英语的时候,就强调一个事实——大声地念。念一个句子的时候同时要想它的中文意思。
有些人说:When you’re learning English , forget about Chinese . Get rid of Chinese and then you’ll think in English . This is ridiculous . (学英文的时候,一定要把中文忘掉,用英语来思考)。这种人肯定不会同声传译,也没有做过交替翻译。像我们做过的人,很清楚的知道,中英文学习的基础,一定是我们的母语。可是我的英文为什么能讲的这么流畅?这就是我要给大家讲的方法。我是这样做的:我把大意念完之后,开始一遍一遍地念这篇文章。念每一个句子的时候先想中文,念二十一遍我就用英文诠释二十一遍。
Being thoughtful simply means thinking of others before yourself .我脑筋马上就想:这个意思就是说你能够想到别人再想到自己。What you say or do will have an effect>
「 Introduce yourself a little bit . 」
「 Hi everyone, my name is Johnny . Very nice to meet you here .」
「 Would you like to set an example showing how bad your English (was) in terms of pronunciation ?」
「 Hello everyone , my name is Johnny .」
十三年前他的发音不是这样子的。我教过的一个方法叫 「paraphrasing 」,你现在稍微看一下试试用英文诠释一下。
「 I think being thoughtful is very important because if you don’t have anything good to say, don’t say that to anybody because you don’t want to hurt people’s feelings. And if you are thoughtful – if you are considerate – people will be willing to make friends with you. And you will have a wide circle of friends and acquaintances. So, I think that’s the beauty of being thoughtful and being considerate. Thank you. 」
他这里面用了两个词(两句话):「 That’s the beauty of it. 」(美就是美在这一点。),这是一个非常棒的用法。另外一句话是「 If you can be considerate, you’ll have a wide circle of friends and acquaintances.」(如果你能体谅的话,你会拥有很多朋友和熟人)。
「 acquaintances 」,我们中国人常常把[ en ]读成[ ɛ ]。例如:飞机「 plane 」绝对不要念成「 plane 」(音),那是不对的。中国大陆是「 mainland 」,千万不要念成「 mainland 」(音)。
「 Well, everybody should learn to be thoughtful. If you are thoughtful of others, people will respect me, and then they will just think of me as someone that is worth making friends with. Gradually, before I know it, I’ll have more and more friends. You know, life can be even better. 」
未经允许不得转载:阿卡索学习网 - 英语学习培训机构网站! > 赖世雄:总有一种英语学习方法,让你不再害怕开口说英文
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