1. It seems that stories about celebrities are always _________ on social media. The public has a huge appetite for this kind of content.
a) trending
b) uploading
c) downloading
d) tagging
2. Videos of cute babies frequently __________ on social media, gaining millions of views and likes.
a) spread viruses
b) go viral
c) link to pop ups
d) include geotagging
3. A __________ is a combination of two or more elements to make a new item. They could be music clips, videos or other forms of data.
a) blog
b) vlog
c) combination
d) mashup
4. Some websites invite many users to invest small amounts of money in new business start-ups. This is known as __________.
a) share-holding
b) crowd-funding
c) floatation
d) commodity investment
5. When marketers produce a promotional video that becomes very popular and is shared by millions of viewers it is known as __________ marketing.
a) email
b) viral
c) word of mouth
d) seasonal
6. She is always taking __________ on her mobile phone and sharing them on social media. She only ever takes pictures of herself.
a) self-portraits
b) selfies
c) panoramic shots
d) snaps
1) a, 2) b, 3) d, 4) b, 5) b, 6) b.
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