英语学习中最大的难点我认为就在于知识点多「知识点汇总」英语六年级上册Unit 1《How can I get there?》,需要记忆的内容多,懒惰的孩子不可能把英语学好。
1、 博物馆商店在哪里?
Where is the museum shop?
2、 它在书店附近。
It's near the bookshop.
3、 我们(我)如何才能到那?
How can we / I get there?
4、 在……左(右)转。
Turn left/right at …
5、I see. 我明白了。
6、直走 Go straight.
7、咱们走吧。Let’s go.
8、跟着我。Follow me.
9、我的GPS奏效了。My GPS works.
10、走那条路。Go that way.
11、我的胃疼。My stomach hurts.
There is the restaurant.
正常顺序是The restaurant is there.
13、一会儿见。See you soon.
(感叹句,非本单元的重点语法我在学习英语,不详细讲解)What an interesting film!
1. 让某人做某事 let sb do sth(let后面用动词原形)
2. 让我们 2 let's=let us
3. 帮助某人做某事 3 help sb do sth, help sb to do sth, help sb with sth
help me do my homework=help me to do my homework=help me with my homework
4. 到达 get to
到校 get to school
5. 到那儿 get there(there为副词,前面的to省略)
6. 在那边 over there
7. 谢谢 2 Thanks. Thank you.
8. 看 look at…
look at my new bike
9. 想要做某事 want to do sth
I want to play football with you.
10. 邮局 the post office
11. 给某人邮寄(发送)某物2 send sb sth= send sth to sb
send a letter to me=send me a letter
但要注意,当sth是代词时,只能用send sth to sb
如:send it to me不可以说成send me it
12. 一个会说话的机器人 a talking robot
13. 挨着 next to
14. 谈论 talk about
15. 科学博物馆 the science museum
16. 一个很棒的意大利饭馆 a great Italian restaurant
17. 在……前面(内部) in the front of …
There is a teacher's desk in the front of the classroom.
18. 在……前面(外部)in front of…
There is a tree in front of the house.
19. 故宫 the Palace Museum
20. 在车里 in a car
21. 给某人某物2 give sb sth give sth to sb
give me a book=give a book to me
但要注意,当sth是代词时我在学习英语,只能用 give sth to sb
如:give it to me不可以说成 give me it
22. 离……远 be far from
23. 告诉某人做某事 tell sb to do sth
My mother often tells me to study hard.
24. 告诉某人某事 2 tell sb sth tell sth to sb
tell you the secret= tell the secret to you
但要注意,当sth是代词时,只能用 tell sth to sb
tell it to me, 不能说成tell me it
25. 讲故事 tell a story
26. 路过 pass by
如:pass by the shop
27. 忘记去做某事 forget to do sth(这件事还没有做)
Don't forget to buy some meat.(肉还没有买)
28. 忘记做了某事 forget doing sth
She forgot(forget过去式)meeting me. 她忘了见过我。
29. 在二楼 on the second floor
30. 需要去做某事 need to do sth
We need to study hard.
1、There be 句型:某地有某物我在学习英语,掌握谓语的就近原则,be动词的选择看离它最近的名词来确定。
There _____ a dog in the yard.
There ______ some apples on the tree.
There ____ some meat and some eggs in the fridge.
There ____ some eggs and some meat in the fridge.
2、 a/an 不定冠词区别:单词以元音音素(音标)开头,用-an, 以辅音音素(音标)开头,用-a
____ apple ______ cat _____ hour ______ useful book ____ old man
3、 代词one用法:代替可数名词的同类事物,注意和 it 区别,it 指上句提到的同一个事物。
She has a new book, I have an old _____.
She has a new book._____ is very interesting.
4、also, too区别:二者为同义词,翻译成“也”,too放在句尾,前面有逗号,also放在句中,实义动词前,情态动词、be动词之后。
She is a student, ______.
She is _____ a student.
1、is ,are ,is ,are
3、one, It
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