It may feel like a new lease of life, but those who divorce in their latter years and move into another relationship are seriously risking their health.
Research shows so-called 'silver splitters' are less likely to survive a heart attack than those who remained wed.
Much of this comes down to the spouse nag factor – which it turns out actually keeps us fitter.
A wife, for instance, is more likely to pester her man to go to the doctor, take medication, exercise and stay off the booze and cigarettes.
A new partner in later life, however, is less likely to exert the same 'social control' in the first eight years of a second marriage.
而再婚后的头八年时间里长大成人英语长大成人英语 “银发离婚”有损健康,新伴侣不太可能这样“管住你”。
(中国日报网英语点津 yaning)
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