在竞争的20-25个名额里面,如果初试成绩非常优秀,比如考了390考研复试英语口语不好会被刷吗考研复试英语口语不好会被刷吗,或更多,排名在前5名的,只要复试不说梦话, 不流鼻血,那问题基本是不大的。
Please give us a brief introduction about yourself.
Can you introduce yourself to us?
What can you tell me about yourself?
Tell me something about yourself.
How would you describe yourself?
Do you have any hobbies that you are proud of?
What’s your favorite hobby?
Describe one of your hobbies.
Can you share something about your family?
Would you like to tell us something about your family?
Where are you from?
Please tell us something about your hometown.
What do you think about your strengths and weaknesses?
Please tell us something about your characteristics.
Objectively evaluate yourself or talk about your personality.
Please tell us something about your college.
Please give a brief introduction of your college.
How do you like your college?
What’s your major?
What do you think about your major?
What’s your favorite book about your major?
Please share a book you have read about your major.
Why do you decide to go for the national postgraduate entrance examination(NPEE)?
Why do you choose to take postgraduate exams?
Why do you want to go to graduate school instead of finding a job?
Why do you change your major?
Why do you prefer our university?
Please tell us the reasons that you are willing to come for us.
What are you planning to do in your postgraduate period?
Can you tell us about your future plans in the postgraduate study?
Do you have any plans in your postgraduate life?
Have you ever considered that how you will make use of the coming years on campus if you are admitted?
What are you expecting for during the postgraduate period?
Do you have any unforgettable experiences?
Can you share something unforgettable in your life?
What do you think are the necessary virtues that one should have?
what's your impression of our school?
What if you fail this time?
If you fail this time, what are you going to do for the near future?
What will you do if you get denied?
( 自由提问)
Do you have any question in the end?
You can ask any questions that you might have.
就直接背咱家考研军火库的 《2022考研复试英语口语高分模板》。
只需简单填词 甚至根本不需要填词+背熟。
加学姐微信 :kaoyanjunhuoku666,领取“简历模板、 面试模拟视频 (含点评)”。
未经允许不得转载:阿卡索学习网 - 英语学习培训机构网站! > 录取名额如此分配!复试被刷的征兆!面试口语考这些问题!
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