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道长领衔,直播"2023年12月四级答案解析",直播时间16日 11:30-13:00。【领取】
Suppose your university newspaper is inviting submis-sions from students for its coming edition on a campus event that has impressed them most.
As a student at the Foreign Languages School of [University Name],I am most impressed by the care our university shows to us students.
Given the damp and cold winters and burning hot sum-mers,the authorities have installed air conditioning units in all the dormitories,providing us with comfortable shelter from the extreme temperatures.Moreover,the canteens offer affordable set meals,ensuring that students on a tight budget don't have to worry exces-sively about living expenses and can save money for other necessities.Most notably,I am struck by the traffic control during rush hours to ensure student safety.During these times,vehicles are prohibited from usingthe routes students take to and from classroom buildings and dormitories.
To be frank,there are too many such examples to list intheir entirety.I am very proud to be a part of our university and would like to express my sincere gratitude for everything our university does for its students.
未经允许不得转载:阿卡索学习网 - 英语学习培训机构网站! > 2023年12月英语四级作文真题及答案(第二套)网络版
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