1月16日 听力模拟练习
坚持打卡雅思口语机考2020年雅思机考覆盖全国14个城市!| 附今日听力P3-P4及听力原文,留言区报错
Practice makes perfect!
Questions 21-25
What instructions were the students given about their project?
A they must do this
B they can do this if they want to
C they can't do this
Write the correct letter, A, B or C next to Questions 21-25.
21 Choose a writer from a list provided. _____
22 Get biographical information from the Internet. ______
23 Study a collection of poems. ______
24 Make a one-hour video. ______
25 Refer to key facts in the writer's life. ______
Questions 26-30
Complete the notes below.
WriteNO MORN THAN THREE WORDSfor each answer.
Other requirements for the project
• extract chosen from the author's work must reflect the 26 ______ and ______ of the author.
• students must find sound effects and 27 ______ to match the texts they choose.
• students must use a 28 ______ of computer software programs to make the video.
• students must Include information about the 29 ______ of all material
Criteria for assessment
• completion of all components — 25%
• 30 ______ (must represent essence of author's work) - 50%
• artistic and technical design of video — 25%
Questions 31-40
Choose the correct answer,A,BorC.
31 'Extremophiles' are life forms that can live in
A isolated areas.
B hostile conditions.
C new habitats.
32 The researchers think that some of the organisms they found in Antarctica are
A new species.
B ancient colonies.
C types of insects.
33 The researchers were the first people to find his loans in Antarctica
A in the soil.
B under the rock surface.
C on the rocks.
QuestIons 34-40
WriteONE WORDfor each answer.
How the extremophlles survive
34 Access to the sun's heat can create a ______ for some organisms.
35 The deeper the soil, the higher the _______ of salt.
36 Salt can protect organisms against the effects of ______, even at very low temperatures.
37 All living things must have access to ______ water.
38 Salt plays a part in the process of ______, which prevents freezing.
39 The environment of ______ is similar to the dry valleys of Antarctica.
40 This research may provide evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial Me forms and their possible ______ on other planets.
Part 3
21 A
22 C
23 B
24 C
25 B
26 interests (and) style / style (and) interests
27 visuals
28 range
29 source(s)
30 content
Part 4
31 B
32 B
33 A
34 microclimate
35 concentration
36 frost
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