Laying the ground for employment of about 100,000 Filipino English teachers in China – that’s one goal Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte wanted to achieve during his four-day visit to China for the Boao Forum earlier this month.
The document called the MOU on the Employment of Filipino Teachers of English Language in China was signed by Philippine Labor Secretary Silvestre Bello III and Chinese Ambassador to the Philippines Zhao Jianhua, according to Xinhua News Agency.
The agreement, which is valid for two years and is subject to renewal, will allow 2,000 Filipino English language teachers to work in China starting this year.
However, English learners in China have been wondering why they would have teachers from their neighboring country, instead of those from the UK and the US.
菲律宾人能说流利英语吗?Do Filipinos speak fluent English?
Most of the Filipinos have received bilingual education, as Filipino and English are both official languages of the country.
English is also generally available in documents regarding government affairs and international trade. Companies from the Europe and the US prefer to set their call centers abroad in the Philippines.
The English level of Filipinos ranks the third in Asia, right after Singaporeans and Indians, according to the Educational Testing Service (ETS) based on the TOEFL test scores.
教师的专业水平如何?How good are English teachers from Philippines?
- 学士(或以上)学历
- TESOL暨国际英语教师资格证书
- 相应托福考试成绩
- 相关培训经历
- 两年以上的英语教学经验
- 良好的沟通能力
According to Bernard Olalia, the officer-in-charge of the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA), English teachers must meet the following requirements to teach in China:
- Bachelor’s Degree
- Certification of Teachers of English to Speakers of other Language (TESOL)
- Scores of Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)
- Training certificate
- At least two years of English teaching experience
- Good communication skills
English teachers from the Philippines are competitive, Xinhua News Agency cited the Philippines former education minister as saying. The expected salaries are relatively low, while the characters of Filipinos are mild, modest and hard-working, according to the former official. Besides, the regulations of working overseas are strict.
多少菲律宾人在海外工作?How many Filipinos work overseas?
A lot of English teachers from the Philippines work in countries including Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Japan, South Korea and some countries in the Middle East and Latin America.
There are also students from Japan and South Korea learning the language in the Philippines.
Export of labor services plays an important role in the Philippine economy, as remittance from overseas Filipino workers accounts for 9% of the GDP.
There are about 2.4 million Filipinos working overseas under contracts, which accounts for 2.4% of the total population. Many are housekeepers, technicians, manufacturing workers and businessmen.
Filipinos who work overseas reportedly enjoy higher social status – the Philippines marks “Filipino Migrants Day” every June 7 as a way of celebrating the signing into law of Republic Act 8042 or the Migrant Workers Act of 1995.
未经允许不得转载:阿卡索学习网 - 英语学习培训机构网站! > 10万菲律宾英语教师将来华,他们水平如何?
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